At a recent meeting of the board of directors, the following persons were elected as officers of Platte County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled: Stuart Anderson, president; Jeanne Modin, vice president; Theresa Emerson, secretary; and William Van Asselt, treasurer.The board of directors is appointed by the Platte County Commission. Members serve three-year staggered terms on a voluntary basis. Other members of the Board are: Wendy Chandler, Tanya Finn, Linda Grenier and Carl M. Myers, MD. PCBS is a governmental entity established in 1975 to provide services for persons residing in Platte County who have a developmental disability, including intellectual disability, Down syndrome, autism, brain injury that occurred before the age of 22, and cerebral palsy. All citizens of Platte County, regardless of age, that are deemed eligible in the State of Missouri as a person with a developmental disability are eligible for service coordination provided by Platte County Board of Services. Service coordinators can assist these citizens in accessing a wide range of services and supports, including therapies, behavior support, community integration, home modifications for accessibility, respite, and durable medical equipment, to name a few. For adults, the service coordinator can also help if the citizen needs residential supports, day services, employment, recreation/leisure activities or transportation to and from day services and employment For further information, call Betty Krah, services coordination supervisor, at 891-0990 or email PCBS’ website is