City, North Platte Ball Association agree to 10-year deal

DEARBORN, Mo. — In a rather brief session, the Dearborn Board of Aldermen approved two requests during its meeting on Monday, Feb. 12.

The first motion that came to the board was from Trace Stone of the North Platte Ball Association in regards to the contract for use of the ball fields in Dearborn.

The only difference in the contract according to Stone, was doing a 10-year deal instead of the usual five. There was an option in the contract that the association would mow the fields if needed, but in the past the North Platte School District has usually handled that duty inside of the playing field, while the city mowed outside of the fences.

The motion passed 3-0 with Don Kerns, Donald Swanstone, Jr. and Mary Lee Green voting in favor of it, while Bob Bryan was absent.

The trio also unanimously passed a request from Elaine Greer to hold a parade on Saturday, April 21. The owner of Switch Track Mall will be hosting an event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. that day and expects the parade to start at 1 p.m.

She had a rough idea of the parade route but some of it is contingent on how many cars are there, saying she didn’t know if there would be 10 or 100. The parade is to honor veterans, including her cousin who is a World War II serviceman.

In other topics of discussion, resident Breanna Cheadle talked to the board about possibly having a fireworks show on the Fourth of July, despite fireworks not being allowed in the city limits.

She asked them to consider rescinding the ban and try to stage something in town for the city to come enjoy. She mentioned a fair amount of people have expressed interest in doing something for the holiday, but didn’t want compete with Camden Point’s celebration.

Her suggestion, if approved, would have people watch from the football stadium — pending school approval. She wasn’t asking the city to pay for all of it, instead mentioning a fundraiser or donations to cover the cost of the show.

“Just something for people to come for a little while, hang out and the kids can play at the park,” she said.

Mayor Jamie Morey noted he would like to bring up the firework discussion at the next meeting, possibly looking into amending the rules.

In one of the longer conversations of the meeting, the North Platte School District and the city discussed a water line issue in regards to construction at the new school.

Some of the issue had to do with the pressure from existing lines and the school district had a proposal, but the board decided it would be best for their engineer to talk with the engineers on the construction project before making a decision.

“My thoughts are why are we going to run another line, why can’t we just have a six inch and run it where the four (inch) lays and give them the water pressure they need,” Morey said. “On the city’s side, why do we need two water lines on both sides of the street?  Let do one and get it done and move on.”

Superintendent Karl Matt noted on Monday, Feb. 26, the engineers for the school construction project and the city are working together and an updated plan should be submitted at the next meeting.

In other news:

The board voted unanimously to abolish the community center board.

Gave approval for Morey to use the city ball field for a kickball tournament on Saturday, July 14, that will be ‘Guns, Needles and Hoses’ event pitting local firefighters, police officers and nurses in a charity event with proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House in Kansas City.

Public Works noted that a sewer pump failed at the lift station and the city had to pay $600 for it to be pumped out. The main cause was diaper wipes and trash.

Greer inquired about Dearborn hosting a meet-and-greet with those running for office but was advised while such an event can be held, it would have be set up by someone without ties to the city government. City attorney Dan Fowler suggested the community center could be a host.