Ferrelview residents oppose rezoning

Residents in Ferrelview are getting organized against a planned industrial development just feet from their doors. 

The City of Kansas City is seeking to rezone property off Cookingham Drive from agricultural to heavy industrial to build warehousing. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 20 to approve the rezoning request. 

Ferrelview area resident mobilized against the rezoning over the weekend, launching a petition on Change.org that has garnered more than 200 signatures in a day. 

In the petition, the undersigned ask the city’s planning and zoning commission to deny the rezoning on the following grounds:

Failure to send required notifications to effected properties within 300 feet of the proposed rezoning and; 

The likelihood of decreased quality of life for residential occupants and the citizens of the Village of Ferrelview, and; 

The enormous increase of tractor trailer traffic to the area directly effecting the safety of NW Cookingham drive, located in Kansas City, Interurban Road, NW Heady Ave and First Street located within the boundaries of the Village of Ferrelview.

Petitioners are urging concerned residents to attend the meeting, which begins at 9 a.m. at Kansas City Hall downtown or to attend virtually via Zoom.