Health Department honored

The Platte County Health Department (PCHD) works daily to promote behaviors that lead to good physical and mental health. Starting healthy habits early in childhood and keeping them through their teen years is critical. PCHD recently won the 2024 Innovative Leadership Award from the Missouri Center for Public Health Excellence (MOCPHE) for work their work in this area. Particularly, their work to increase water intake and spread positive mental health messages among teens.

In September 2024, PCHD was offered one-time additional Maternal and Child Health (MCH) grant funds from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. The catch? PCHD had thirty days to create a plan, get it approved and implement it. The approved plan included funds to increase water intake and spread positive mental health messaging. Staff wanted to distribute something that would make an impact, not just the typical free health fair plastic bottle that ends up in a drawer or thrift store. Staff determined being “cool” is a powerful desire among teens and asked a Truman State University student to conduct a survey among teens about which water bottle is trending. Time was short but she was able to get 60 responses in just one weekend. The data showed that the Owala Freesip was hands-down the preferred choice. Staff also found stickers with positive mental health messages that they thought would be popular.

The water bottles and stickers were purchased and are now being used as an award to increase participation in programs that PCHD already does in the community. In health fair settings, everyone is lining up at the health department table. When in a classroom setting and participation with correct answers is required to get a water bottle, hands go up before the students know the question.

“This initiative is an overwhelming success and students who previously might not have participated in activities are eager to learn about good mental and physical health behaviors,” said Tricia Rothweiler, BSW, Health Education Supervisor. “Even just providing a variety of positive mental health stickers has proven popular. They have led to many conversations about good mental health among students. But seeing those smiles when kids receive the water bottles, that’s like Christmas morning. I have no doubt they are getting used and creating healthy habits.”