A majority of the recent Platte County Board of Aldermen meeting on Tuesday, May 22 was to honor various employees.
The 24-minute meeting including the pinning of new Platte City police officers Michael Baker and Lewis Rivers.
Employees Camie Lutz, Sharon Anderson, Sgt. Michael Mand and Daniel Stamper — who was not present — were commended for their work to qualify for the progressive pay recognition. Anderson had been the public works administrative professional and deputy city clerk for the past 17 years.
Mand and Lutz — city collector — have both worked for the city for 11 years, while Stamper, the wastewater foreman, has been employed for the past 10 years.
Platte City mayor Frank Offutt recently recognized city employees Sharon Anderson (above); Camie Lutz (below) and Sgt. Michael Mand (bottom) for their advancement in the city’s new progressive pay program.
Cody Thorn/Citizen photos
“Congratulations on your accomplishments and keep up the good work,” mayor Frank Offutt said.
A number of resolutions for upcoming events were approved. That list includes:
- Approved special event permit for Chamber After Hours event from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 14 for ReMax House of Dreams.
- Approved special event permit for USA Swimming meets held at the Platte County Community Center North/YMCA for Sept. 22-23; Oct. 6-7; Nov. 16-18 and Dec. 2-3.
- Approved special event permit for Sample The City submitted by the Chamber of Commerce for an event from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27.
- Approved holiday lighting ceremony special event permit from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 21, submitted by the Platte City Area Chamber of Commerce. The event is co-sponsored by the city, Platte City Parks and Recreation and with participation from the Platte City Police Department.
- Approved summer concert series special event permit submitted by Platte City Friends of the Arts. The concerts will be held downtown on the second Saturday in June, July and August. First up will be The Rippers, a 1960s tribute band performing on June 9. An island rock band, the Soco Jukebox, will perform July 14 and the final concert will be a classic rock band, One Night Stand, Aug. 11. The concerts will run from 7 to 9 p.m.
- Approved special event permit for a car audio competition on Sunday, June 24 submitted by NW Audio.
- Approved fireworks stand submitted by B&W Enterprises, to be located adjacent to Quik Lube at Prairie View and Highway 92. They will sell fireworks from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. each day from June 20 to July 4.
- Approved the mayor’s appointment to various boards and commissions.