Platte City’s Nursing Home Squad was formed in 2019, with members donating personal goods to Heritage Village residents.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought the efforts of the squad to a halt for a while. As time passed, members started making snack bags for residents and Bradley said she stopped by to chat with residents who were outside on the front porch.
Recently, the squad teamed up with manager Ron Spidle at the Platte City Price Chopper. The store chipped in with a discount on the fried chicken dinners. Members who donated to the project include Chandra Bradley, Andrea McCoy, Pamela Becker, Patti Duda and Dawny Knott.
If any residents of Platte City would like to join the group or find out more information, contact Bradley at 401-0211 or McCoy 273-2520. Like the group’s Facebook page at Nursing Home Squad.