Park Hill sets redistricting open houses

The Park Hill School District is moving forward with its redistricting plans ahead of the opening of its newest elementary school next year. 

At the Thursday, Sept. 26 meeting of the Board of Education, Superintendent Dr. Mike Kimbrel updated the board and community on the redistricting process currently under way.

Since June and July, the district has been working through the introduction of the process, the creation of metrics and criteria to support the process, creating the Redistricting Advisory Team, meeting with the advisory team, working to create initial scenarios and then providing initial redistricting scenarios to our community for input. 

The first six maps outlining possible redistricting scenarios are available online at the district website, An online forum for feedback was open through Monday, Sept. 30. 

In early October, the Redistricting Advisory Team will review and evaluate all feedback received. Based on these discussions, the scenarios will be adjusted and narrowed at their meeting on Monday, Oct. 7. 

The district invites the community to then attend its open house events on Oct. 14-15 to learn more and share continued feedback in person around the next set of scenarios. The first open house will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14 at Plaza Middle School and the second will be from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15 at Lakeview Middle School. 

The final meeting of the Redistricting Advisory Team is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 7 with a final presentation made to the Board of Education on Thursday, Nov. 14.