The City of Parkville last week released a statement on the adoption of its Parkville 20140 Master Plan, which was adopted last month by the city’s planning and zoning commission.
The commission adopted the plan – which is available in full on the city website - early last month and the board heard a presentation on the plan later in May and adopted a resolution in support. The city plans to pursue the adoption of ordinances for stream buffers, slope preservation and tree preservation.
During the presentation late last month, aldermen commended planning group Confluence for its process, which had to change to an online format due to the pandemic.
According to the release, the plan serves as the official public policy and plan for the physical development and redevelopment of the community and provides guidance for future actions involving land development, sustainability, development design, provision of infrastructure, preservation of open spaces and natural resources and preservation of community character over the next 20 years.
The plan is a result of a 15-month collaboration between the city, Confluence and a steering committee made up of members of the planning and zoning commission. The city’s last master plan was created in 2009. The project involved seven steering committee meetings, individual meetings with community stakeholders and three public workshops. A project webpage was created and included several engagement exercises for participants including mapping activities, visual preference activities, general themes feedback, guiding principles surveys and a postcard exercise.
The Parkville 2040 Master Plan will be utilized by:
The planning and zoning commission when considering applications for rezoning and development;
The board of aldermen when considering voluntary annexation petitions by property owners, determining whether a proposed annexation is consistent with the priorities of the master plan;
City staff when prioritizing capital improvements; and,
City staff when pursuing local, state and federal grants.
“I would like to thank all of those who were involved in the update of the master plan,” said mayor Nan Johnston in the release. “Through a collaboration between city boards and commissions, and with extensive involvement of our citizens, we have created a vision for Parkville as it continues to grow. This vision will help preserve Parkville and continue to make it a wonderful place to live and do business.”
At its board of aldermen meeting held Tuesday, June 1, the city also approved the next segment of the Highway 9 reconstruction project, from Highway 45 to Lakeview Drive.
Director of public works Alysen Abel presented a contract with Gunter Construction for the long-awaited project. The tentative start date for construction by the end of the month, with a public forum for local property owners scheduled before work begins. Two-way and business traffic will remain open.
The city is feeling the pinch from pandemic shortages with bids for the project coming in about 10 percent higher than expected. The approved bid came in at approximately $4.1 million with the highest bid at more than $5.1 million.
“Talking with some of the other communities in the metro area, with the pandemic a lot of resources needed for construction are scarce,” she said.
Funding of these projects will be handled for the city by BOFK, through a lease-purchase agreement given preliminary approval last week. According to city administrator Joe Parente, the city is set to receive $2.7 million in federal and state grants on the $5.5 million project total.
A Community Improvement District (CID) was formed in 2017 to collect a one percent sales tax from businesses along the highway corridor. The CID will not be able to cover then entire cost, however, with the city financing the remainder through BOFK. The bond sales are expected to close in mid-July.
A concept drawing showing the potential outcome of a rebuilt Highway 9 corridor.