Roads Tax up for renewal

Voters will have the opportunity Tuesday, Nov. 8 to renew the tax that paid for the reconstruction of roads and bridges all over Platte County for the past 20 years.

Earlier this year, county officials convened a special committee to look at revenues associated with the tax and its impact on communities in Platte County. After months of deliberation and input from municipalities who have also benefitted from the tax, a reduced 10-year tax – one quarter cent instead of three-eighths - is on the November ballot.

The Platte County Economic Development Council (EDC), which also headed up the committee, voted last week to endorse the tax.

“We went out to the majority of the cities and asked, what are your road needs?” said Aaron Schmidt, PCEDC board member. “We came up with ranking criteria; safety, economic development, traffic volumes, ability to leverage funds and the condition of the roadway.”

Since 2013, about $60 million has been collected from this tax. The money has been invested into over 24 transportation projects throughout Platte County. PCEDC compiled a list of 82 current road and bridge projects totaling close to $250 million indicating that there is still a great need for transportation improvements. The proposed ten-year extension will allocate 10% of generated revenue towards designated county projects, while the additional 90% will be divided between the cities and unincorporated areas based on road miles and population data gathered from the 2020 census.

“For 20 years, Platte County and our municipalities have leveraged this tax to help secure federal, state, and local government matching funds for projects that otherwise could not be completed,” said Tina Chace, PCEDC executive director. “As the fastest-growing county in the state of Missouri, the roads sales tax will ensure that we maintain our current transportation infrastructure while addressing additional safety and capacity needs.”

Ballot language and additional information regarding the roads sales tax may be found at