Three teenagers implicated in destruction of more than 40 Platte County mailboxes

Three teenagers apparently went for a joyride in a stolen truck last month, destroying more than 40 mailboxes in two different residential areas of Platte County.

Alec Bruttomesso

Charges were filed last week against 17-year-old Alec Bruttomesso of Kansas City, Mo. in Clay County and 18-year-old Rebecca Richardson of Platte City in connection with events that occurred between Sunday, June 19 and Wednesday, June 22. A third minor was not named in the probable cause statement, and he could be facing charges in juvenile court.

According to court documents, authorities believe the three individuals were working together in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 20 to enter unlocked vehicles in a subdivision outside of Platte City, stealing cash, car chargers and other items.

Bruttomesso and the juvenile would enter the vehicles while Richardson acted as lookout, according to the probable cause. After entering a 2008 Chevrolet Avalanche, the two males located the keys and stole the vehicle. 

Richardson followed behind in a Chevrolet Malibu while Bruttomesso and the juvenile ran over and demolished 16 mailboxes valued at between $200 and $300 each. From there, court documents allege the trio drove to a Kansas City subdivision of townhomes in Platte County and ran over and destroyed 25 mailboxes that would cost the local home owner’s association more than $4,000 to replace.

Rebecca Richardson

After driving through the subdivision, court documents indicate the two males left the Avalanche in drive and allowed it to roll down NW 67th Street, knocking down a KCP&L pole, a street sign and a fence before traveling down into a ravine. A witness said the suspects were laughing and appeared to be enjoying themselves.

Court documents allege the three suspects left the scene, went to a park and smoked marijuana. They then returned to the scene where the same witness saw them. Officers were unable to pursue the white Malibu as it left the scene.

The juvenile allegedly returned to the same area in Platte City on Wednesday, June 22 and stole another truck. According to court documents, Bruttomesso and Richardson followed behind this time while the juvenile ran over a mailbox across from Richardson’s house.
In an interview with authorities, Bruttomesso allegedly admitted to being bored along with other two suspects, so they drove to Platte City and started pulling on door handles.

In an interview with authorities, Bruttomesso allegedly admitted to being bored along with other two suspects, so they drove to Platte City and started pulling on door handles. He claimed the juvenile decided to steal the truck, but they took turns driving over the mailboxes.

Bruttomesso denied allowing the truck to roll into the ravine.

In a separate interview, Richardson claimed the juvenile allowed the truck to roll down the street, and she denied ever being in the stolen vehicle, according to court documents. The juvenile also talked to authorities and denied running over any mailboxes in the stolen truck, according to court documents, but he did admit to stealing the second truck and running over the mailbox across the street from Richardson’s house.

Bruttomesso has been charged with a pair of felonies for destruction of property and tampering with a motor vehicle. Richardson faces one misdemeanor count of tampering with a motor vehicle.