Two charged after Northmoor shooting

Two women have been charged with a shooting on Saturday, July 8, at a restaurant in Northmoor. 

Renyshia Handson and Aaliyah Kidd were charged Sunday, July 9 with separate offenses related to the incident. On July 8, Platte County deputies and officers of the Riverside Police Department responded to reports of a shooting at a restaurant in the Vivion West Shopping Center in Northmoor. The shooting allegedly occurred after an argument over a food order at the restaurant. Witnesses reported seeing and hearing an altercation between restaurant employees and Kidd. Witnesses also reported seeing Handson produce a handgun and point it at the back of the head of one person. Witnesses also reported that Handson fired the gun, striking a second victim in the left foot. 

“We are fortunate no one lost their life simply because someone pulled out a gun over a food order,” Prosecuting Attorney Eric Zahnd said. “Thanks to the excellent work of the Platte County Sheriff’s Office and the Riverside Police Department, these defendants were immediately apprehended and charged.” 

According to court documents, Handson and Kidd placed an order at the restaurant counter and sat to wait for their food. Unhappy with the food when it arrived, Kidd allegedly began a verbal altercation with restaurant employees, threatening several times to “kick their ass” and swept her food and other items from the counter to the floor.

While uninvolved in the initial exchange, Handson then allegedly pulled a 9 mm handgun while Kidd was being escorted outside. Handson then began to fight with the employees attempting to get her and Kidd outside, holding a gun to an employee’s head and threatening to “pistol whip you.” 

Once outside, Handson allegedly turned around in the doorway and fired into the business, with the shot passing through a door and into the foot of one of the restaurant employees. 

The two women walked to another business in the strip mall – the same strip mall where last month a road rage incident ended in a homicide. When Riverside police arrived, the women admitted they had been in the restaurant, and Handson also admitted she had fired into the restaurant. 

In the court documents, Handson and Kidd state the restaurant employees were ignoring their concerns about the food order and allege the employees had assaulted them. Cellphone video recorded in the restaurant did not show an assault by restaurant employees.

“Once again, the cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the willingness of witnesses to come forward has allowed charges to be brought against these defendants,” said Sheriff Mark Owen.

Handson, who also had an outstanding warrant for assault from another incident, has been charged with unlawful use of a weapon and is being held on a cash-only bond of $100,000. Kidd has been charged with third-degree assault with a cash-only bond of $5,000. Both defendants are currently being held in the Platte County Detention Center. 

Zahnd said the investigation into the incident is still ongoing and additional charges could be filed.