Platte City paid its annual tribute to veterans at a ceremony at the Platte City Cemetery on Monday, May 28.
Fox 4 WDAF meteorologist Mike Thompson gave the keynote address at the ceremony. Thompson served in the U.S. Navy as an aerographer’s mate responsible for forecasts for flight operations on the aircraft carrier USS Lexington.
“The United States, its said, is exceptional because our founders were able to institute a form of government that relies of the consent of the governed; not the whims of a dictator,” Thompson said. “Today we honor the men and women who lie here who believed whole-heartedly in that concept of freedom. They understood the sacrifice that is necessary to ensure future generations enjoy the liberty bought by the blood of our forefathers. It’s those ideals that motivate veterans past and present to serve.”
CODY THORN/Citizen photo
The Boy Scout Troop No. 1351 out of Platte City presents colors during a Memorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 28 at the Platte City Cemetery.
In addition to Thompson, Mayor Frank Offutt read a list of veterans who were buried in the city’s cemetery in the last year. The Platte Purchase Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution laid a wreath and Boy scout Troop 1351 and VFW post 4055 presented the colors, with the VFW post also offered a rifle salute and played ‘Taps’.
Angie Mutti led a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and Georgia Barge and Laura Barge sang ‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ with Barge singing ‘America the Beautiful’ later in the program.
“The final words of the Gettysburg Address are still fitting today,” Thompson said. “It is from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause to which they gave their last full measure of devotion. We here resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain and this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom. Government of the people, for the people by the people shall not perish from the earth. Let us remember our history. Teach it. Pass it down so that future generations will not be doomed to repeat it. That is what Memorial Day is all about.”