Water rates increase for Platte Citians

Platte City residents will see an increase in water and wastewater rates. A change in wholesale charge from KC Water Services will lead to a 1 percent water increase and 2.1 percent increase in wastewater for an average residential customer using 5,000 gallons/month.

The minimum water rate increase is 17 cents, the minimum wastewater increase is 15 cents and the volume rate per thousand gallons increased 13 cents.

The average residential customer monthly water bill will crease by 37 cents to $37.91 and the average residential customer monthly wastewater bill increases 67 cents to $31.43.

Water and wastewater rates for new customers residing east of Interstate 29 are higher than current customers to reflect additional capital and operating costs to extend service in that area. There is a $1 difference for both water and wastewater, while wastewater per thousand gallons is also $1/thousand higher than current customers.

The amended ordinance has different rates for water rate billing in three areas.

Those purchasing water west of I-29 will spend $8.23 for the first 1,000 gallons and $7.42 after the first 1,000 gallons. Those living east of I-29 will spend $9.23/1st 1,000 gallons and then $7.42. Those outside of the corporate boundaries of Platte City will spend $11.05/1st 1,000 gallons then $8.86.

The cost for bulk water is $12.81 per 1,000 gallons.

The new rates went into effect on the June 1 bill.

Another change in terms of water and wastewater will be in connection fees for new houses. A 15.4 percent increase, which took account inflation since the last adjustment in 2009, was approved.

Prior to recent additions in the housing market, there wasn’t a new house built in the city since 2006, according to city manager DJ Gehrt.

The cost for the water connection/wastewater connection east of Platte City and in Tracy are higher than in Platte City, west of I-29.

The higher cost for the east side, Gehrt noted, was due to the cost of capital projects which extended water and sanitary sewer services across I-29 to the Windmill Creek subdivision.

The revenue generated by the connection fee, combined with the east side operating rate differential, will generate $3.2 million for wastewater infrastructure the next 10 to 15 years — assuming 50 new homes per year — according to the ordinance provided to the council.

The cost to connect wastewater will be $2,549 in Platte City, west of I-29; $4,000 in Platte City, east of I-29; and City of Tracy, $1,226.

Water connection fees for the same areas are $1,392, $2,248 and $3,240, respectively.

In other news, the city will forge ahead with a full-depth rehab of the street surface and curb repair where needed on Maple Drive at the cost of $179,050, which falls within the $200,000 budgeted in the transportation capital projects. Maple Drive was part of a mill and overlay project in 2008 and funds weren’t available then for base repair, but several concrete spot repairs have been completed over the past decade.

A building permit was issued to Adam Naler, D.D.S., who will move his practice from 510 Branch Street to 504 Branch Street in the Glenn Building. The estimated cost of construction is $380,000, as he will renovate the former Sun Spa/Paradise Salon location for his practice. The new office will feature eight service areas, two offices, lab room, waiting area, front reception area and ADA restrooms.