Fireworks are coming back to the city of Dearborn.
During the board of aldermen meeting on April 9, an amended firework ordinance was passed.
The discussion started in February and after discussion during the March meeting, the ordinance was passed unanimously.
Aerial fireworks will remain banned, but ground devices to be used from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. June 27 to July 5 from. The section shall not apply to public demonstrations.
In other news from the meeting, mayor Jamie Morey and Steve Wilson were sworn into office. Wilson won one of the two open seats on the board, while the second spot will be determined in a special election on May 1 between Donald Swanstone Jr. and Breanna Cheadle.
CODY THORN/Citizen photo
Dearborn mayor Jamie Morey, was sworn into office during the board of aldermen meeting on Monday, April 9.
Swanstone, despite his term expiring, stayed at his spot on the board of aldermen and participated in the event.
The newcomer to the board had some business to address from a personal perspective.
Wilson addressed the board in March about putting up the picket fence at 103 S. August and planning and zoning said it was ok if it wasn’t in front of the house. The variance was granted to install a three-foot picket fence, with Wilson abstaining from voting.
Other notes:
Trash cleanup will be on May 12 from 9 a.m. to noon with a dumpster located behind city hall. There will be a limb and brush truck there as well.
There was a special session meeting on March 28 and the board voted to accepted a $1,000 deductible for its current insurance, as well as adding earthquake insurance. The board declined to add terrorism insurance.
In the regularly scheduled board meeting on March 12, the board entered into a contract with the school to go ahead with a water extension near North Platte High School. The school will pay for asphalt, while the city will pay for the cut and gravel to bring dirt up to the level for tie five new connections.
The Dearborn Area Fire Protection District discussed purchasing a new fire hydrant for the extension, donating the equipment and will hand it over to the city for installation during the water line extension work.
City employee Alex Ball was named the wastewaster operator of the year for the state.