Commissioners consider shifting boundaries

A change in Platte County Commission districts is coming later this month, according to second district commissioner Joe Vanover.

Vanover made the announcement at the Monday, Jan. 3 commission meeting. Currently, the commission boundaries lie roughly around Barry Road, with the first district to the south and the second district to the north.

Due to population shifts reported in the 2020 census, Vanover said county staff has discussed shifting the district boundaries. The topic on the agenda for discussion at the Tuesday, Jan. 18 commission meeting.

Currently the northern district has 2,276 more residents than the southern district, Vanover said.

“I have proposed moving Lake Waukomis from the north district to the south district,” he said. “If the proposal is accepted, the population difference would be narrowed to 500. Moving Lake Waukomis to District One would also preserve the general north-south split.”

Vanover said he has notified the Republican Central Committee, the Democratic Central Committee and the Lake Waukomis Board of Aldermen of the proposed change.

Public comments on the proposed change, may be sent to Vanover at or at the Jan. 18 county commission meeting.