Platte City man arrested for child pornography

The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control last week announced the arrest of Timothy Johnson, 57, of Platte City.

Johnson was formally charged on Feb. 28 with one count of possession of child pornography after an investigation by the Special Victims Unit of the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control.

In October 2024, while conducting an online child pornography investigation, Special Victims Unit investigators identified a device associated with Johnson’s internet account, which had uploaded potential child pornography. Investigators confirmed during their investigation that the video on the device was child pornography.


On Feb. 28, investigators contacted Johnson at his residence in Platte County. A video depicting child pornography was found on an electronic device during a forensic search. 

Johnson was interviewed and subsequently arrested for possession of child pornography. He was transported to the Platte County Jail.

The same day, Platte County Prosecuting Attorney Eric Zahnd formally charged Johnson with one count of possession of child pornography. Johnson is being held in the Platte County Jail, with a $100,000 cash-only bond.

He was scheduled to appear in court Tuesday, March 11 on a bond reduction hearing. 

The Division of Drug and Crime Control encourages internet users to promptly report to the Patrol or local law enforcement anyone who attempts to engage in unwanted, inappropriate, or sexualized communications with children.