Platte City set to hire new city administrator

The Platte City Board of Aldermen called a special meeting on Tuesday, July 16, intending to hire a new city administrator.

The meeting was called for Tuesday evening after The Citizen’s press time.

Current City Administrator D.J. Gerht told The Citizen that he expected Thomas Cole to be named as the city’s next administrator. On the city’s website included in the packet for the meeting was a city ordinance to hire Cole. 

Gerht said Cole has quite a bit of experience for the position serving previously as the city administrator in Raytown, Mo. Cole’s most recent position was the economic development director for Leavenworth, Kan., county. He’s also served as the economic development director for Blue Springs, Mo.

“He’s got a real strong background,” Gehrt said. 

According to the drafted ordinance, Cole would begin on Aug. 1 and the contract would be for two years with an option for a third year. The board will vote at the end of the first year on whether or not to extend the deal for a third year.

Gehrt said he won’t be running out the door on Aug. 1. He has agreed to remain on the city’s staff to help Cole adjust to his new settings.

“We’ll have some time for the turnover through August if all goes as planned,” Gerht said.

If Cole accepts the position he’ll be paid $140,000 annually along with expenses and benefits as part of his compensation package.