Serial sex offender found guilty

A serial sex offender will spend the rest of his life in prison without parole after a Platte County jury convicted him of sexually abusing two girls. Brian K. Keeling, 55, of Kansas City, was found guilty of two counts of first degree statutory sodomy and one count of second degree statutory sodomy on August 24 after a three-day trial.

Keeling had been convicted of forcible rape, forcible sodomy, and kidnapping in Jackson County in 1995. Also in Jackson County in 2003, he was convicted of statutory rape and two counts of statutory sodomy. He received probation in the forcible rape, forcible sodomy, and kidnapping case. He was sentenced to prison on the 2003 charges but was paroled on a seven-year sentence in 2006.

Brian Keeling

“This man is a very dangerous sexual predator,” said Platte County Prosecuting Attorney Eric Zahnd. “It’s tragic that, after multiple prior convictions, he was still able to walk the streets and find new victims. Fortunately, he will now spend the rest of his life in prison without any chance of parole.”

Prosecutors proved that in the summer of 2021, Keeling took two sisters, ages 12 and 14, to his home in the Platte County portion of Kansas City where he sexually abused them.

The girls were eventually treated at Children’s Mercy Hospital, where they told employees that Keeling made them take off their clothes and be photographed. Further examination at the hospital revealed one of the girls had injuries consistent with sexual assault.

Kansas City Police Chief Joseph Mabin said, “In coordination with the FBI and Platte County Prosecutor’s Office, KCPD detectives conducted an extensive investigation that ultimately made Kansas City safer. This conviction ensures Mr. Keeling will never again be able to harm children. With our partners, KCPD remains committed to reducing violence of any manner.”

Both victims were interviewed by an FBI Child-Adolescent Forensic Examiner, and they disclosed further sexual abuse by Keeling.

Charles Dayoub, Special Agent in Charge of the Kansas City field office of the FBI said, “The jury’s decision validates the work done by the FBI and Kansas City Police Department to bring Mr. Keeling to justice for his heinous crimes. Make no mistake about it, the FBI and our law enforcement partners will do everything we can to prevent and bring to justice those who prey on those most vulnerable in our community. This conviction reiterates our promise to protect our nation’s children from exploitation and ensures Mr. Keeling will face accountability for his actions.”

Keeling is set to be sentenced on Oct. 20. Zahnd’s office charged Keeling as a persistent sexual offender. As a result, Keeling must serve a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of probation or parole. He is currently being held without bond in the Platte County jail.