Wassmer appointed to Parkville board

PARKVILLE, Mo. — The Parkville board of aldermen is again at its full capacity with the appointment of a new ward one alderman last week.

Phil Wassmer was appointed in a unanimous vote at a special meeting held just before the regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 6. The ward one post was vacated by Stone Canyon Pizza owner Kevin Heaton at the end of last year. Wassmer will serve until the general municipal election in 2019.

Parkville residents of the ward interested in serving were asked to submit an interest letter to the city, then a committee of four aldermen reviewed the five applicants and recommended Wassmer for the appointment.

Citizen photo
Phil Wassmer is sworn in by Parkville city clerk Melissa McChensey as the new ward one alderman during a meeting held on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at Parkville City Hall. 

Wassmer moved to Parkville in 2006. He served on the Community Land and Recreation Board (CLARB) since July 2013. He is an artist and businessman and founded Wassmer Studios in 1987. In his interest letter he stated he wants to focus his energy on a growing and thriving downtown business district and further enhance the park experience.

Although the board of aldermen is now full, several other city boards and commissions are in need of new, interested members. CLARB, the Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Industrial Development Authority all have open positions available.

CLARB acts as the city’s parks board, developing and maintaining community lands and public recreational facilities and opportunities for today and the future. Meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday each month.

The Board of Zoning Adjustment acts on appeals of decisions made in the enforcement of the zoning code; variances that would not be contrary to public interests and when lateral enforcement of the code would result in unnecessary hardship; special exceptions; and other considerations authorized by the board of aldermen. Meetings are scheduled at 5:30 p.m. the fourth Tuesday each month and are cancelled if no business is to be conducted.

The Industrial Development Authority promotes and coordinates with industry, labor, trade associations and governmental agencies relating to the promotion of trade, industrial and business development and industrial parks, among other functions. An annual meeting is held every April and other meetings are scheduled as-needed through the Parkville Economic Development Council.

Parkville residents who are interested in volunteering and becoming involved are encouraged to apply by submitting an application and resume to the city clerk at 8880 Clark Avenue, or by e-mail at mmcchesney@parkvillemo.gov. The application is available on the city’s website at parkvillemo.gov/boards-commissions.

At the Feb. 6 meeting, the board agreed to sit out the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) call for projects for federal fiscal year 2021-22. The city has worked over the last few years to fund the reconstruction of Highway 9 from Highway 45 to Riverside and has successfully funded the first few phases of the project through several state and federal programs and formation of a Community Improvement District (CID). With several projects already under way, Parkville officials considered the merits of easing off the throttle for one grant cycle, considering the cycle was expected to be highly competitive. Mayor Nan Johnston said even though the city will sit out federal grant applications through MARC this time, it doesn’t mean the city will stay idle. She said staff will take the opportunity to create more in-depth plans and present shovel-ready projects to MARC the next time grant monies come available.

Additionally, several municipalities across the Northland that favor the replacement of the Buck O’Neil (Broadway) Bridge are sitting out the grant cycle in hopes of supporting funding for the bridge project.